The Practically Eco Community

We’ll help you stop worrying and start doing something meaningful for the planet.

We are building a guilt-free community who believe doing something for the environment is better than nothing.

We recognize that environmental sustainability is not one-size fits all and that everyone’s journey looks different. We were tired of hearing about all the doom and gloom without any practical steps to combat the biggest challenge of our time. So we decided to do something about it.

We know that you care about the environment and you want to do something to help protect it, but it seems like all of the confusing, contradictory sustainability plans require becoming a hippie and living off the grid to feel like they matter (which if you love that, we support that too!).

We filter out the noise by using our expertise to develop programs & resources that are simple, impactful, and help you create a sustainability habit, one action at a time.

The best way to stay connected is by joining our PEnut gallery, a weekly newsletter where we share insights, resources, and guides to make sustainability fun & simple. Sign up here. Our Blog and Resources pages also have tons of free and fun content, so check those out too!

Explore our programs below to see how you can start taking action for the planet TODAY!

To learn more about why we do what we do, check out our About Us page!

Seasonal rECOnnect Kits

We believe reconnecting to nature and yourself is one of the most important aspects of a sustainability journey. To help support this aspect of your journey, we are releasing seasonal rECOnnect kits! Aligned with each season, kits include a variety of items that can help reconnect you to nature and yourself, like candles, essential oils, crystals, tea, incense, rituals, recipes…and tons more!

The BEST part? Each purchase supports conservation work around the world!

Interested?? Click the link below to find out more and sign your booty up! The first 50 signups will receive a massive discount to help us launch this super exciting program!

Eco Reboot

The refresh you need to kickstart your sustainability habits! In this 5-day email series, you will learn everything you really need to know about sustainability, map your current habits, and end up with a simple, practical action plan to start immediately.

Retreats & Events

The secret to consistency around your Eco goals is a reconnection to self and the natural world. Check out our calendar of events to see how and when you can reconnect, refresh, and rejuvenate!

Take Action Today!

Download your FREE 3 Simple Actions Guide that includes fun printables and super impactful actions you can take TODAY to help the planet!

By entering your name and email address, you’ll become a PEnut gallery subscriber with access to insights, resources, guides, and other fun things we don’t share anywhere else for your imperfect path to sustainability. Unsubscribe at any time. You also agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.