Hi, I’m Nicolette!
Welcome and thank you for showing up here to learn how YOU can have a meaningful impact on our planet!
My team and I at Practically Eco recognize that environmental sustainability is not one-size fits all and that everyone’s journey looks different. We were tired of hearing about all the doom and gloom without any practical steps to combat the biggest challenge of our time. So we decided to do something about it.
Through our newsletter & resources, we share practical tools and solutions that can help you make small lifestyle changes that have a positive impact for our planet. We celebrate small wins (and big wins) on our imperfect paths to sustainability!
We also help conservation organizations and businesses integrate social sciences (e.g., the people part!) into conservation or ESG programs. Check out our Conservation Orgs & Businesses page to learn more about how we do that.
We know that you care about the environment and you want to do something to help protect it, but it seems like all of the confusing, contradictory sustainability plans require becoming a hippie and living off the grid to feel like they matter (which if you love that, we support that too!).
But it’s not true! Yes, stopping climate change is a big battle that will take the village (aka: all of us) to win. You can still help without losing your mind or everything important to you. You can do something that matters today. I promise.
We filter out the noise by using our expertise to develop programs & resources that are simple, impactful, and help you create a sustainability habit, one action at a time.
The best way to stay connected is by joining our PEnut gallery, a weekly newsletter where we share insights, resources, and guides to make sustainability fun & simple. Sign up here! Our Blog, Podcast (coming soon!), and Resources pages also have tons of free and fun content, so check those out too!
The one thing I know for sure…
Is that environmental action is a habit. Not a one-time thing. But where to start?
I’ve totally been there…
After more than 20 years working in the environmental field, I was still frustrated and confused by all of the sustainability initiatives and information being blasted everywhere. How on EARTH am I supposed to incorporate every single eco-friendly practice into my life, and still HAVE a life???
I’ve dedicated my life to wildlife conservation, BUT HOW DO I SHOW UP FOR THE PLANET REALISTICALLY?
As an expert in behavioral sciences, I knew I had the solution swimming around my head somewhere. One day, it dawned on me as I prepared my practically-eco lunch:
There were some super eco-friendly parts of this - home grown cucumbers, it was totally dairy-free, I composted the scraps - and some moderately eco-friendly parts - veggie forward, biodegradable bag, recyclable sponge. But there were also some not very eco-friendly parts, like the paper towels and canned tuna (which is a whole other thing I should probably write a blog on).
I felt guilty for a minute thinking, dang, I suck at trying to be eco-friendly, health conscious, and speedy (hurry before the next Zoom meeting starts!). I started criticizing the parts of this meal, and many others, that weren’t “perfect” representations of being eco-friendly.
Then, like a lightning bolt, I realized: yeah, but it’s better than nothing. What if everyone adopted these types of behaviors?
What if millions of people tried to do what they could, when they could, and how they could, instead of being paralyzed by shame, fear, or overwhelm?
What if I wasn’t alone on this imperfect path to sustainability? I know what to do and how to do it, I know what’s most impactful, and I know what it’s like to be torn between 75 different priorities. What if I create a community where I can coach others like me to take similar actions, amplifying all of our efforts for the planet?!
And boom, you guessed it, Practically Eco was born.
★ Imagine finally feeling like you have a practical plan and the support to take meaningful action for the environment.
★ Imagine feeling EMPOWERED instead of feeling guilty or hopeless or frustrated by climate change.
★ Imagine feeling like what you are doing MATTERS.
★ Imagine finally knowing that what you are doing and how you are doing it WILL help the Earth.
★ Imagine having fun & connecting with a like-minded community that supports ALL of you - all the pieces that make you uniquely you - while taking action for the planet!
If you’re ready to leave the guilt, shame, and fear behind and want to start feeling empowered, hopeful, and like what you are doing matters - JOIN US! We offer something for everyone, so explore our website and start your party for the planet today!
Frequently Asked Questions
We hear this a lot! The short answer is YES! The long answer you can read about on our blog :) We know it can feel overwhelming and frustrating, because we get overwhelmed and frustrated too. But we have simplified all of the research and actions into something much more practical. Join our newsletter to learn more about how you can start taking meaningful action for the planet, that won’t make you lose your mind trying.
Yes we do! Check out our Conservation Orgs & Businesses page to learn more about the services we provide. You can find out more about Nicolette and her team of amazing social scientists on our Meet the Team page.
Anyone who wants to do something meaningful for the planet, but isn’t ready (or willing) to give up everything else in their life to do it. We think it’s unrealistic to require people to try to combat societal-level problems on their own - I didn’t create the capitalistic society we live in, but here we are, and I certainly can’t change that on my own. So instead of lamenting all of the ways our society has gotten it wrong, we believe we have the power to change things one small step at a time. Rome wasn’t built in a day, right? We can’t expect that everyone reverses course today either. Join us if you are open-minded, looking for simple, fun solutions to not-so-fun problems, and have a sense of humor. Don’t join us if you already know how to do everything the “right” way and want to argue about how individual action doesn’t matter. I’m sure you can find another community that wants to let you tell them they’re not doing enough. lol
We believe sustainability is a holistic journey that impacts and is impacted by all aspects of your world. There’s an interesting thing that’s happened in our society where we commonly accept the idea that our bodies and minds are separate and that we are separate from the Earth. It’s not true my friends! Here at Practically Eco we approach sustainability holistically, which means we talk about all kinds of things that may seem like they aren’t related to the environment…until you realize that they are :) Check out our blog for more topics that all somehow relate to the way we show up for the planet.
By entering your name and email address, you’ll become a PEnut gallery subscriber with access to insights, resources, guides, and other fun things we don’t share anywhere else for your imperfect path to sustainability. Unsubscribe at any time. You also agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.