Practically Eco - Your Imperfect Path to Sustainability

Hello world! My name is Nicolette and I want to welcome you to Practically Eco!

You’re here, you made it, and I am so excited!

You may be wondering, why are you so excited? Well, let me tell you!

Practically Eco is my soul’s work and has been brewing for soooo long and I can FINALLY share it with you all! That, in and of itself, makes me SO excited, but I’m even more excited about what we’re doing here.

Practically Eco is my response to the overwhelming, confusing, and frustrating world of sustainability that I have lived in for too many years. So I decided to change it.

Wildlife has been a huge part of my life since I was young and I have dedicated my career to understanding how we communicate environmental topics and influence people's behavior towards the natural world (sounds boring, maybe it is, but check out our resources page for more science-y stuff if you’re into that kind of thing).

I have spent countless hours researching, studying, and experimenting on these topics and spent many years unraveling the mysteries of the universe behavior. How & why people connect with nature are my bones and how behavior works is my blood.

Cool, seems like you are slightly nerdy and obsessed with the environment. What does that have to do with this website?

I like you, Reader - straight to the point. I’ll get there, but I have a little more back story for you…

In all my studies and experiences, I have come across thousands upon thousands of tips, tricks, suggestions, requirements, guilt trips, offers, tools, resources, products…you name it, that supposedly help the environment. 


There is SO MUCH out there and so many contradicting messages about what “counts” as sustainability that I often didn’t know what to do. On top of that, I was constantly feeling so guilty when I failed at being a perfect example of a zero-waste/plant-based/carbon neutral/plastic-free/make-my-own-products off-grid hippie that I wondered:

Does any of what I can practically do for the environment matter?

I took a mental inventory of what I was doing regularly and I had this seemingly insignificant but rather profound moment when I realized that IT DOES!

And what would be super, duper cool is if I could help other people like me take practical actions for the environment and turn those actions into everyday habits so that my impact (and your impact) is amplified.

I thought: I know how behavior works. I know what behaviors have the most impact and where to find the latest research supporting it. I recognize how small impacts can be amplified to have mega-impact. Why not take what I know and create a super positive, upbeat community around sustainability that makes all this confusing info simple?

And, as I’m sure you can guess, Practically Eco was born!

Alright lady, but you still haven’t told us what this whole thing is about…

Right, right, right. We’re getting there :) 

Practically Eco is dedicated to helping you find your imperfect path to sustainability. We believe that any step that helps the environment is the right step, no matter what that looks like or how small it may feel.

We believe in progress over perfection, especially in the context of helping the planet. We believe perfection is overrated and generally unhelpful, so our community celebrates the imperfect steps to the larger goal.

Our philosophy is that, much like exercising, sustainability is a habit. We see ourselves as your sustainability coaches and we are here to help you do good and feel good!

Practically Eco is a community committed to the idea that environmental sustainability should be fun, easy, and accessible. We have digested all of the discrepant information for you and distilled it into simple, actionable steps. 

No more guessing. No more guilt trips. Just positive vibes and rose quartz powerful impacts.

Oh and maybe a curse word or two (you’ve been warned!) 🙂

And there’s more!! (don’t worry, it’s not a free OxyClean scrubber brush bottle hose wiper blade lol)

Not only have we done all of this but we’ve even taken it a step further! Once you’ve hung around a bit to see what we’re about and decide to purchase any of our offerings, just that is taking action for the planet!

What do you mean Nicolette?

One of my favorite parts of what we’ve built here is that a portion of all profits go to wildlife conservation initiatives!

We wanted to put our money where our mouth is and make sustainability as easy as possible. What’s easier than buying some cool products or services?? (Ok, maybe there are easier things in life, like binge watching reruns of The Office, but I think you get my drift)

We support a wide variety of wildlife conservation initiatives across the world. Portions of your dollars go directly to supporting research-based, community-created conservation programs being implemented by incredible organizations, regardless of what habits you do (or don’t) create around sustainability. Click here to see what we are currently supporting!

Basically, we’ve made environmental action fool-proof!

If you don’t have the time or ability to spend the next 15-20 years understanding all of the things that contribute to environmental issues but still want to do something to help, you are in the right place!

We’ve created resources for behaviors that, over time, have huge, positive impacts on our planet. But we totally get why creating habits is hard so we’ve developed these resources around making sustainable habits easy. 

By the way, here at Practically Eco, we don’t think habits look like the ones they push on Pinterest/Insta/TikTok. You know, those super perfect looking habits where your color-coded daily habit tracker doesn’t have a single missing mandala-circle check-off box and you’ve filled it out every day since you started it 3.5 years ago.

We’re a bit more…..practical ;)

[Side rant: as much as the bullet journals/habit trackers are visually pleasing to me, who the heck has time to make them look so perfect? Like, does anyone else feel bad when theirs doesn’t turn out the same? Also, why do we have to do SO MANY things to be considered successful? Ugh, I’ll stop :) ]

-A N Y W A Y-

Practically Eco is my response to all of these crazy inputs we get on a daily basis. It is intended to be a positive, supportive community of like-minded, eco-conscious people who exist in the real world and are doing their dang best to make a positive impact.

If this sounds like you, WELCOME! Take some time to explore our website to see all of the super rad things we have to offer, from seasonal rECOnnect kits to recipes to events and retreats. We wanted to create a holistic place to reconnect with nature and yourself so we can all remember why we’re doing this to begin with.

If you want to see more about what we’re up to, check out our blog, Community page, and podcast episodes (coming soon)! We also love to hear from our community, so please feel free to drop us a line at It may sound cliché, but this is truly a community built for you, by you - check out how we’re doing that here

If you haven’t already, the best way to stay connected is through our newsletter! Sign up here and snag your FREE 3 Simple Actions guide while you’re at it!

Thanks for being here! It is truly my honor and privilege to serve each of you as we tackle the largest challenge of our time ♥️ Remember - YOU can make a difference!

Ta-ta for now,



Who gives a crap? One of my favorite & easiest ways to take action for the planet